Leftovers Lasagna with Veggie “Pasta”

My kids often refuse to eat leftovers so I have to get crafty. Heck, sometimes I’m not even thrilled about eating leftovers. I’ve developed a knack for turning leftovers into lasagna using a few base ingredients. I always see great responses when I post the pics on my Facebook page so I figured it’s time […]

Spicy Thai Noodles with Tofu

  I’m overdue for a cheat meal and boy am I glad I used it up on this recipe! This is really, really good! It makes a ton of food too… awh shucks, looks like I have to finish the leftovers!

Kale Mac n’ Cheeze

Our toddler is going through a picky meal time phase lately… I’m not happy about it at all but I know it’s normal and will soon pass (hopefully!). She’s been rejecting her usual greens so I’ve been trying to figure out ways to hide them in other foods she will eat. Ugh, I was hoping […]

Tastes Like Cheeze!

I’ve accumulated a few good fake cheese recipes over the years, some are nut based others are bean/potato based… all are really good! So good that I don’t even miss the real thing! My latest favorite recipe is from one of my favorite vegan food blogs, Healthy Happy Life (a.k.a. The LunchBox Bunch). Kathy, the […]