Spicy Thai Noodles with Tofu

  I’m overdue for a cheat meal and boy am I glad I used it up on this recipe! This is really, really good! It makes a ton of food too… awh shucks, looks like I have to finish the leftovers!

Curried Quinoa and Adzuki Bean Burger Wraps

You’re probably saying adzuki what? That’s what I said when I first heard about these little red beans. Burgers are a staple in our house lately (easy finger food for our 1-year old) and I’m always up for a new bean so I added some to my last Nuts.com order. To be honest, these burgers came […]

Lentil Kale Soup

This soup is a meal in itself! Our kids both loved this soup, especially our 1-year old who ate two big bowls! I served this with a little Coconut ‘Bacon’ on top, it was delicious!

Brown Rice & Lentil Burgers

Hey there! Sorry I’ve been absent lately, operation “Daily Toddler Energy Drain” is in full effect this summer which means I haven’t been spending a ton of time at home. We’ve also been camping quite a bit since we bought our RV. So much fun! I haven’t done a ton of cooking lately but I […]