Chickpea Salad

My toddler has been a picky eater lately… she’s obsessed with cereal and that’s all she wants to eat! I decided to try a new sandwich option for her so I made this, I’ve been wanting to try it for awhile now. This recipe calls for Black Salt and in case you’ve never heard of […]

Dairy-Free Ranch Dressing

I’ve been making this for years, tastes just like the real thing! This makes an excellent dip for veggies, salad dressing and anything else you top with ranch! My hubby likes it on his pizza. I recently served this with No-Buffalo Nuggets… Delish!!

Goaty Cashew Cheeze

It’s crazy how much this tastes like goat cheese! I’m always amazed at how you can make “cheese” out of cashews and sauerkraut… sounds gross but it’s really good! You can use this cheeze on anything – pizza, salads, sandwiches, etc. I added this to my BBQ Tempeh Wrap with Goaty Cheeze today and it […]